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What is AMSAF? Arizona Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Foundation (AMSAF) has worked to provide discounted training for untrained and skill-savvy motorcyclists and to reduce the number of crashes and fatalities due to distracted driving. AMSAF works with numerous business partners and sponsors including local businesses, healthcare, the State of Arizona, police departments, legal and other prominent entities and individuals, to help decrease the number of distracted and DUI-impaired drivers and to provide scholarships, statewide, to train motorcyclists how to ride more defensively.


What's AMSAF Mission? AMSAF’s mission is to promote motorcycle safety and awareness and help reduce crashes and fatalities in Arizona. In doing so, we offer a one-of-a-kind Arizona motorcycle training financial assistance scholarship program. This program also allows individuals to get into motorcycle training at a reduced cost. In addition, AMSAF offers safety tips on its Facebook page and wants to help the motorcycle community in other ways financially.

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